Pub. 1 2019-20 Issue 1

Issue 1 2019 5 WVADA President’s Message I t is with great enthusiasm that I introduce the first edition of our new quarterly magazine - WVADA News ! On be- half of the WVADA Board and its members, I would like to dedicate this edition to the latest successes that we have accomplished as a united association. From the passage of the new “as-is” law, to a successful and well attended con- vention, to our most recent victory with the doc fee increase, this dynamic association is full of hardworking individuals that take time out of their busy lives to aid in the overall benefits WVADA has to offer to its dealer membership - and for that - THANK YOU. “as-is” Protecting the dealer franchise model is and will always be the vanguard of our focus. However, this past session, not only was regressive legislation defeated, but several mem- bers of the dealer body stepped up and advocated for the new “as-is” law. Advocacy is a crucial part of the success formula and your elected officials listened. Another im- portant aspect of ensuring favorable legislation passes is supporting pro-business candidates. WVCar PAC ensures that the voice of the automotive/business community is heard by our state representatives. Convention I want to thank all dealers, their families, and our sponsors who made our 86th annual convention so successful. We had an energetic group of attendees participate in our June event at the historic Greenbrier Resort. A sincere thanks to our outstanding sponsors who helped make our 86th convention possible. Without their generous support, this event would not have been possible. Please save the date for next year’s convention June 7-10, 2020, where we will be returning to the Greenbrier for another year of fun and socialization with your fellow dealers, all while discussing relevant industry issues. Doc Fee Long overdue and still short of our surrounding states, the most recent $75 doc fee increase is a step in the right direc- tion. It is crucial that WV dealers, especially border stores, re- main competitive with our surrounding states. Please remem- ber that if your dealership charges a doc fee, all consumers, both cash and credit, must be charged the same amount. Also, reinforce to your salesmen that this is NOT a DMV mandated fee, but a fee that allows dealers to maintain the costs associ- ated with complying with federal and state laws. Thank You It is no secret that I have huge shoes to fill; however, with your continued support and participation I am confident that WVADA’s future is bright and that we will achieve great results together. I want to thank each and every one of you that advo- cated for the new “as-is” law, that attended convention, and that aided in the doc fee increase – this issue is for you! t Sharing in the Successes of Our Latest Accomplishments