Pub. 1 2019-20 Issue 1 6 WVADA Getting to Know WVADA President What is your professional background? Before joining WVADA in January, I was the Director of Legislative Rule-Making for West Virginia from 2015 to 2018. I collaboratively worked with the legis- lature, executive branch agencies, and affected stakeholders to address regula- tory reform initiatives, repealed approx- imately 1,400 rules, and reduced the State Register by approximately 60 per- cent. Previously, I worked for the Senate Judiciary committee from 2011-2015. I am a native of Bluefield, WV, and hold a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Marshall University. What inspired you to work with WVADA? WVADA has developed an incompara- ble reputation throughout the legisla- ture, the state, and the country, much thanks to its members and my prede- cessor. When working at the legislature it was always my long-term goal to tran- sition into a strong trade association. I am so blessed to have been given the opportunity to run an Association that truly drives West Virginia’s economy. I have huge shoes to fill and I look for- ward to building upon communications in today’s digital world through brand- ing, dealer outreach, and social media. I believe that WVADA must utilize a com- bination of traditional and new methods of communication in order to continue to build and advance the image of this great Association. What do you think will be some of the dominant trends within the auto industry in the next 5-10 years? There are several innovations currently facing the auto industry, but what seems to be getting the most traction are car sharing, autonomous vehicles (AV), and electric vehicles (EV). However, West Vir- ginia is a rural state and lacks heavy met- ropolitan areas were car sharing, AVs and EVs are becoming more affluent. Car sharing does not pose a large threat to the auto industry because the ser- vices are too costly for mass adoption at this time. The majority of West Virgin- ians live and work in an area with plen- tiful parking, making it more convenient and cheaper to purchase a vehicle. Autonomous vehicles, also referred to as self-driving, definitely represent the most radical innovation in car technol- ogy, but it would be a mistake to write off conventional car companies be- cause they have a 100 year head start on knowing how to manufacture mil- lions of cars. Lastly, In regards to EVs, the problem is that they don’t provide a reasonable val- ue for ordinary customers. Most EVs re- quire extended charging times and few charging stations exist throughout WV as a whole. What do you see as the benefits of WVADA membership? WVADA is the Communicator of State and Federal Laws & Regulations - WVADA serves has a clearinghouse for legislative issues and keeps all members updated on new laws and regulations before they come into effect via legislative bulletins, monthly newsletters, dealer meetings, DMV seminars around the state, and con- vention business sessions. Through legis- lative representation, WVADA strives for favorable outcomes on all automotive related issues. We ensure that your voice is heard in Charleston and D.C. on any un- favorable legislation that could deprive your industry in any way. WVADA tracks and monitors all legislation that affects dealership practices, while striving to protect all franchised car and truck deal- ers throughout the state. DSI-Providing the Best Company Re- sources – WVADA endorses certain com- panies that sell or specialize in products geared toward the automotive indus- try. All companies are reviewed by our Board, and decisions are based on their reputation as a business and the quality of the product they offer. Registration Reports – The Association provides all members an opportunity to subscribe to the monthly Registra- tion Reports. These reports consists of listings for all new and used vehicles sold in the state of WV for the previ- ous month. There are approximate- ly 12 different reports that allow our members to become aware of current market trends. Dealer Family Convention – Each year WVADA plans a dealer family convention that allows all members an opportunity to learn and visit with fellow dealers around the state. Our convention pro- vides our dealers an excellent opportu- nity to view products from automotive companies in a relaxed fun environment. JARED WYRICK
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