Pub. 4 2023 Issue 4

President’s Message: A Year of Growth, Collaboration and Advocacy

This story appears in the
WVADA News Magazine Pub. 4 2023 Issue 4

As we kick off 2024 and have just started the 60-day legislative session that began on January 10th, I am pleased to reflect on the significant milestones we’ve achieved together. This past year has been a year of growth, collaboration and advocacy for the automotive industry in West Virginia.

One noteworthy event for our association was the first-ever board retreat held last October at the beautiful Breakers Resort in West Palm Beach. The retreat provided a valuable opportunity for our board members to strategize, plan and strengthen our collective vision for the future. Thank you to all who attended.

This past November, WVADA, in collaboration with the Department of Motor Vehicles, hosted six title and registration seminars across the state. These seminars saw the active participation of approximately 400 title clerks, further enhancing their skills and knowledge in the field as we transition to a fully digital titling system.

Looking ahead to the upcoming legislative session, WVADA is set to push a franchise bill that addresses several crucial aspects of our industry. This includes clarifying the timeline for manufacturers to dispute motor vehicle dealer requests for adjustments to parts and labor rates and allowing the use of independent manuals or guidelines to determine proper time allowances for warranty recalls or service repairs.

Additionally, the proposed bill aims to establish a 15-year period on dealer facilities that applies to any subsequent dealer obtaining ownership. It prohibits manufacturers from amending dealer agreements without the dealer’s consent and ensures manufacturers provide dealers with all makes and models, irrespective of the propulsion method.

Furthermore, the bill safeguards dealers from manufacturer interference in pricing, trade-in values, financing terms and the pricing of voluntary protection products. It prohibits manufacturers from treating franchised motor vehicle dealers merely as agents, reinforcing the independence and integrity of our members in the sale and lease of motor vehicles.

As you can see, this bill is extremely important to franchise rights, and we will need your help and support as we aim to push this forward in the 2024 Legislative Session.

Thank you for your support of the West Virginia Auto Dealers Association. Here’s to a successful year behind us and an even more prosperous one ahead.


Jared Wyrick
WVADA President