Pub. 2 2021 Issue 4

New year 2022

President’s Message: Say Goodbye to 2021, Hello 2022

Sometimes it feels like time is standing still. Twelve months ago, it seemed like there was an ongoing national conversation about saying goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021. This year, it’s the same conversation, except that everybody was as eager to say goodbye to 2021 as they were to say hello.

Understandably, people want 2022 to be different: happier, easier, and more unified as a nation. Will we get what we want? Who knows? We’ll have to stick around and see.

But despite the difficulties of the last 12 months, 2021 had some good moments, too. For example:

We started the year off by nearly doubling the documentary fee. Now, WV dealers have the ability to be competitive with our surrounding states.

We have strengthened our legislative presence and built one of the largest PACs in the state. WVADA strives to keep an open line of communication with state and local officials to keep you informed about what is going on while educating our political leaders about our needs as an industry.

We also keep in touch with NADA and assist with national policymaking. A group of WV dealers met with Senator Manchin this summer and the outcome of the meeting was extremely beneficial.

Some great people retired, including Denny at Timbrook Ford, Vaughn Booth at Superior Toyota Hyundai, and Jack Garrett. We will miss all of you!

The 87th Annual Family Dealer Convention was in June 2021 at The Greenbrier Resort. This convention was the first big event we’d hosted since the beginning of the pandemic shutdown. Judging from the record turnout, our members were ready to get together and enjoy each other’s company in a beautiful setting. The conference events were enjoyable and informative, and the music and food were excellent. It’s easy to take things for granted, but the pandemic has helped everyone appreciate just how good it is to meet in person.

In November, WVADA and the WV DMV had an informative seminar about motor e-titles and registration. West Virginia is slowly transitioning to a more streamlined titling process. It is our goal to have every dealership in the state fully using the new e-titling process by mid-summer this year.

Of course, more good has happened than the few brief items I’ve mentioned, but I don’t have space here to talk about everything. Just know that by being a member and participating in association events, you are helping yourself and your dealership. Together, we are making a stronger community.

As the new year begins, some things will be the same as last year. We will continue to update you about COVID-19 as changes occur, and we will also see what NADA and the legislature are doing. We have your best interests at heart and will do what we can to help you.

As the new year begins, some things will be the same as last year. We will continue to update you about COVID-19 as changes occur, and we will continue to update you on national and state policy changes. We have your best interests at heart and will do what we can to help you.

Although the West Virginia Auto Show was canceled this year because of COVID-19, we are still planning a VIP Charity Gala. This fun and worthwhile event will be held Feb. 10, 2022, at the Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center. Dealers, Associate Members, Subscribers, and our Sponsors should have already received tickets for the event. The convention center has been renovated recently, and its riverside location makes it a spectacular choice. Please make every effort to attend.

Serving as the association president is an honor. I appreciate your support, your hard work and your friendship. Let’s keep everything going.